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How do I cancel my Mint Premium or Mint Ad-free subscription?

SOLVEDby TurboTax183Updated almost 2 years ago

You can cancel your Mint Premium or Mint Ad-free subscription from within the Mint app. You can also cancel through the iOS App Store or Google Play. Select your preferred method for instructions.

  1. Select the profile icon in the top right
  2. Select Manage subscription
  3. Select Cancel your subscription
  4. Select Yes, cancel
  5. This will take you to the Edit subscription screen in the App store
  6. Select Confirm to complete your request
  7. Your subscription will still run until the next billing date visible in the app, but you won’t be charged after that date
  1. Open the Settings app
  2. Select your name (Apple ID)
  3. Select Subscriptions (near the top of the screen)
  4. Select Mint
  5. Select Cancel Subscription
  6. Select Confirm to complete your request
  7. Your subscription will still run until the next billing date visible in the app, but you won’t be charged after that date

For more info on canceling subscriptions in the App Store, see this Apple support article.

  1. Open the Google Play app
  2. Select the profile icon
  3. Select Payments & Subscriptions, then Subscriptions
  4. Select Mint
  5. Select Cancel Subscription
  6. Follow the instructions to cancel your subscription
  7. Your subscription will still run until the next billing date visible in the app, but you won’t be charged after that date

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